About us

Intelligent Transit Solutions

Get innovative reliable real-time technology with wrap-around responsive support to improve your performance and productivity to reduce congestion and emissions, and increase mobility.
Let's talk

Save time, less risk, no worries

and help build a sustainable world

Encouraging use of public transport improves citizen mobility, builds a more sustainable world and reduces carbon emissions. In today’s world, time is valuable. When your CAD/AVL system works seamlessly, riders have less frustrating wait times and operations and transit agency staff have a hassle-free, productive day.
Riders can get accurate, real-time information anywhere, anytime
Controllers can manage schedules and anomalies.
Agencies have visibility on performance and ridership.

Take control of disruptions

Congestion, weather events, roadworks, illness, and accidents create unpredictability. Schedules change. One route is beyond capacity. Another is empty. Vehicles deviating from their designated route without authorization. Our CAD/AVL ITS system can help you focus on what needs your attention and gives you the tools to manage and resolve them.
Our customers run over 32 million trips and our system processes more than a billion GPS positions a year. You can use our system and easy to use tools to save time, improve your rider experience and grow your ridership.
Our system has many components that can help you get through your day smoothly, keep everyone informed and help your passengers plan and manage their journeys without anxiety.

Visibility & Reliability


Our customers know that our CAD/AVL ITS system is a pivotal resource for:

  • Visibility of real-time performance
  • Dependability and 24/7 responsive support
  • Knowing ridership and productivity costs
  • Keeping your contracts running smoothly and maintaining your reputation
Why choose us

32 million passenger trips, and 1.5 billion location fixes a year. No fuss. No bother.

We work with transit agencies and operators across more than 15 states in the USA, and installations in Oceania and Asia.

Our passion lies in constantly innovating to create a more intuitive high-performance system, based on customer feedback.
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People looking at computer analysing computer aided dispatch software, cad/avl and cad/avl systems
transit center  design

Terminal for 330 buses

Transit station design & implementation is about harnessing ITS technologies to streamline the efficient use of a terminal and provide a fantastic experience for passengers.

This transit center features a control room with a full ITS cockpit, passenger info signs and audio plinths, sensors to enable automatic bay allocation, door opening and closing, driver notification, and unauthorised personnel alerts. Control room staff have an extensive dashboard view of the network to manage every bay, bus, driver and service. It currently handles 18,000 riders/day and built to accommodate growth to 70,000 riders.

Ridership in the first five years after it was built, exceeded all projections.

Why tolerate spotty performance?

Our systems are renowned for their reliability. Uptimes over 99.99%. Our proprietary equipment have mean times between failures (MTBFs) in excess of 10 years.

Why feel 

Your success is our success. We promise not to leave you nor foresake you. Our support teams swing by regularly to do preventative maintenance.

Why stay locked into a non-performing system?

Join our other customers and experience why they commonly stay with us beyond 10 years. Our cloud based system means you get the lateset versions of features you purchased.

Plan your next transit system upgrade

Imagine going from calls from passengers wondering where their bus is,
To automated, accurate real-time information that passengers can rely on without a second thought
From service tickets that take ages to resolve
To fast turnarounds with responsive 24/7 support
From time consuming paperwork
To easily available rider data to secure your funding
Together, with real time information, reduced calls to office and responsive service, let’s make public transport frustration-free. Give people from all walks of life the gift of time. And help contribute to a more sustainable world.
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Who do you call? Connexionz

Get a reliable system that keeps evolving with you so you can add functionality in stages. Plus, solve decreasing ridership and stretched customer communications by implementing a system that works to free up your staff with responsive rider information.
Connexionz CAD/AVL transit solutions:
Transform your transit system to deliver better user experience and performance
Produce helpful reports designed to easily share your rider data with funders, and to help you identify potential efficiencies.
Deliver speedy support and knowledgeable back up from our support team, not just during implementation, but to keep your day-to-day operations running smoothly.
Sebastian Hernandez, Transit Planner, City of Pasadena
“Connexionz technology and data have provided dependable and reliable service and real-time information,” says Hernandez. “We recently had a new rail line enter Pasadena which prompted an increase in service. Together with major investments in transit in Pasadena from both ourselves and other agencies, the Connexionz systems arrived at the right time as we see rapid ridership growth. Additionally, the Busfinder™ solar powered signs that are located at many of our stops have become a crucial extension of our brand and reliable service”.

Customers we proudly work with:


4 steps for transit performance and productivity control


1. Map

Talk to us to map opportunities that match your fleet size.

2. Match

Get a customized plan based on your requirements and technology appetite.

3. Budget

Work out how much funding you’ll need with budgeting support from our team.

4. Secure

Procure your tender by using our tender template and specifications know-how.

Feel supported by a tech partner who understands transit

See how you can automate manual CAD/AVL tasks and allocate resources properly to maximize efficiency while reducing running costs.
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