
Connexionz' APTA TRANSform innovations learning zone presentation

Senior Sales Executive, Norm Sanders 
Come find out how the Power of X can be applied to build your passenger satisfaction and ridership at our APTA TRANSform’s Innovation session, titled "The Power of 'X': Maximizing Your Passenger Experience (PX)". 

We will be showcasing how to proactively engage passengers for actionable feedback data via website, app and more.  With this data agencies will be armed with the right questions to ask in their next ITS RFP, or of their current CAD/AVL provider.

The idea of Passenger Experience (PX) has already ‘taken off’ globally within the airline industry, and “The Power of ‘X’ brings that same focused attention to mass transit in North America.

Located at booth #4489 is the Innovations Learning Zone. Here, Norm will speak at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, October 10.

Be sure not to miss it.
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