Transit Blog

News and Opinion

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July 27, 2023
Welcome to our new website!

Welcome to our new website! We are excited to share with you our latest features, updates and offers. Whether you are looking for information, products, services or support, you will find everything you need on our site.

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July 13, 2023
Three biggest trends in transit

Public transit is an essential service that connects people to opportunities, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and supports economic recovery. In this article, we will explore some of the biggest trends in public transit that are shaping the future of mobility. Integrating different modes of transportation One of the trends is the integration of different modes […]

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July 13, 2023
Headway management 101

Headway management is the process of controlling the spacing and timing of vehicles in a transit system, such as buses, trains, or ferries. Headway management aims to optimize the service quality, efficiency, and reliability of transit operations, as well as to enhance the safety and comfort of passengers and operators. There are different ways to […]

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July 13, 2023
Applying deviated fixed route

Applying Deviated Fixed Route Deviated fixed route (DFR) is a type of transit service that combines the features of fixed route and demand responsive services. DFR operates along a fixed route with scheduled stops, but also allows passengers to request deviations from the route within a certain area and time window. DFR can offer more […]

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June 29, 2023
“Connexionz… makes it so easy”

Pat O’Donnell, our Senior Sales Executive, dropped in to see how things were going at StarTran, NE.  In short, fantastically.  So proud of our team and what we do for them.

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June 13, 2023
Lots of interest at CTAA

Winners are grinners, and Kim Viener from WOTA is grinning! That’s Norm Sanders our Senior Business Executive grinning too. This year the Community Transit Association of America (CTAA)…

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April 13, 2023
Welcome to Maria Alsayyad

A hearty welcome to Maria Alsayyad, our new Connexionz Bid Manager. Maria has many years of proposal management experience. All our sales team members are celebrating…

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March 23, 2023
Silicon Valley Bank bought by First Citizen Bank

You may or may not be aware that our US Bank was Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), which failed a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately, all our funds deposited there were insured. We also have a USD denominated bank account with another bank, and we directed customers to divert their payments there from the following Monday […]

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March 6, 2023
Silicon Valley Bank failure will have minimal impact on CNX

Hi Folks You may or may not be aware that our US Bank was Silicon Valley Bank, which failed on Friday. Fortunately, all our funds deposited there are insured. We also have a USD denominated bank account with another bank, and we will be directing customers to divert their payments there from Monday onwards. Those […]

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March 6, 2023
Welcome to Jamie Palmer, Sales Associate (April, 2023)

Welcome to Jamie Palmer who has joined us at Connexionz as a Sales Associate. I’m constantly impressed with how fast he is picking everything up and getting things done. He’s a business graduate of the University of Canterbury and loves basketball.  Everyone looks up to him as he’s well over 6 feet tall. Here’s a […]

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